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December 14, 2023

53 – Smart Toys: The Privacy & Security Risks

Host: Herb Weisbaum /
Guest(s): Teresa Murray - Consumer Watchdog, U.S. PIRG; R.J. Cross - Director of PIRG’s Don’t Sell My Data Campaign

Smart toys are cool. With their onboard cameras, microphones, and sensors… plus the ability to pair with other devices or connect to the internet, they can do some amazing things. They can also collect data on your child—including pictures and what they say—and send that information back to the toy company. So, parents need to think carefully about whether to buy these toys. And if so, how to make sure they’re used safely by their children.

In this episode, we’ll look at the privacy and security risks created by this data collection and sharing, and how parents can mitigate that risk. We’ll also give you a checklist of things to look for before buying smart toys, and what to do once you get them home.

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Additional Resources:

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Additional Resource:

⁠Elliott Advocacy⁠ is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that empowers consumers to solve their problems and helps those who can’t.

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