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66 – Cutting Through the Nutritional Supplements Hype

Many Americans are sold on supplements. They’re convinced the “natural ingredients” in these non-prescription products have powerful health benefits that can prevent diseases, make us feel better, and slow down the effects of aging. But can you trust what’s in the bottle, and the marketing claims used to sell this stuff? In this episode, we focus on

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61 – Medical Data Breaches Hit Record High

Data breaches are now an annoyingly normal part of life: You change your stolen passwords, cancel your compromised credit cards. But it can be a significantly more serious problem when hackers get your medical data. Last year, about 1 in 3 Americans had their medical records breached, according to the federal government. In this episode, we’ll look

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54 – How to Shop for a Gym Membership

You don’t necessarily have to join a gym to get more exercise—there are scads of other workout options, many of which are free. If you decide that joining a club is the best choice for you, shop around and avoid making any long-term financial commitments. The fitness industry thrives on good intentions, but most consumers who join

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46 – Health Apps & Websites Often Share Your Data

Wearable devices, health apps, and online medical resources can help us stay fit and healthy. They also collect highly personal information that you might assume is confidential. In most cases, this data can be—and often is—shared and sold without your knowledge or permission. In this episode, how to tell if your health information is protected by the

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35 – Aging in Place

For most aging adults, there really is no place like home. Surveys done by AAPR consistently find that nearly 80% of those 50 and older prefer to age in place rather than move in with relatives or into senior communities. The aging-in-place movement can help you stay safe and comfortable in your home as you grow older.

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22 – How to Find a Top Doc

Physicians are at the center of your healthcare experiences. They set up diagnostic procedures, devise treatment plans, guide you through care decisions, prescribe medications, authorize hospital admissions, refer to other physicians and other providers…and much more. In this episode, we talk about how to find good doctors and the best medical facilities near you, how to take

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16 – Dealing with Death: Planning and Paying for a Funeral

Grieving for a loved one is acutely difficult just after the loss, and it’s not a time when you want to sit across the desk from a salesperson in a high-pressure, time-sensitive situation. You’re vulnerable to making hasty, costly decisions that might not make sense if you’d just had a little more time. Funeral homes provide important

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12 – How to Find the Best Vet for Your Pets

Just like humans, pets get hurt or sick and need routine healthcare. While most vets get high marks for competency and caring, Checkbook’s undercover shoppers found huge differences in prices for the same procedures. In this episode we share tips to help you choose—and deal with—a veterinarian who will provide the care, service, and reasonable charges you

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6 – Finding a Dentist Who Will Make You Smile

No one looks forward to going to the dentist, but oral hygiene is an important part of your overall healthcare. Most dentists do a good job, but some are better than others at making their clients feel comfortable. Price may also be a consideration. Checkbook’s undercover shoppers found astounding price differences from practice to practice for the

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