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68 – Rewards Cards

Whether it’s points, miles, or cash back, it’s nice to be rewarded for shopping. The lure of “getting something extra” can encourage you to apply for new credit cards and spend more to score those rewards. In recent years, many credit card reward programs have become more complex and confusing, and frustrated cardholders are complaining to federal

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59 – Saving Money at the Supermarket

Feeding the family has never been more expensive. Supermarket prices have been going up for four years now, running well ahead of the overall inflation rate. And while increases are slowing, no one expects the cost of food to drop back to where it was before the pandemic. In this episode, why everything is so pricey, the

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58 – Misleading Marketing That Gets You to Buy Now and Pay More

You can save a ton of money by comparison shopping. Checkbook’s surveys consistently find huge price differences—sometimes more than twice as much—from company to company for the exact same product or service. And businesses can get away with this because they know most customers won’t bother to shop around. Sometimes consumers don’t compare prices because they’re in

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57 – What Ever Happened to Customer Service?

Are you frustrated with the way companies treat you? If so, you’re not alone: Surveys find that many consumers are fed up with long waits on the phone, customer service agents who can’t solve their problems, unintelligible billing statements, poorly designed websites, and inexperienced or indifferent sales staff. In this episode: Why do so many companies see

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52 – Shop Safely Online This Holiday Season

While convenient, online shopping can be risky. E-commerce creates all sorts of new opportunities for cyber criminals to do their dirty work, so you need to be careful. U.S. consumers reported losing $358 million to online scams last year, according to the Federal Trade Commission. In this episode, we talk to John Breyault, a vice president at

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50 – Finding a Credit Card That’s Right for You

The market is flooded with credit card offers, and some of the signup bonuses are mighty appealing. But slow down—applying for a credit card is something that shouldn’t be rushed. You need to cut through the marketing hype and understand all the terms, conditions, and fees. If you’re not careful, you could choose a card that hurts

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49 – Shop Like a Pro

Whether you enjoy shopping or just grin and bear it, there are things you can do to score the best prices and make the process easier. In this episode, we explain how to ignore the flood of marketing hype and avoid the fake sales designed to mislead you. Also, where to find hidden discounts and cash-back offers,

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45 – Even ‘Good’ Companies Often Treat Their Customers Poorly

“Buyer beware!” It’s more important than ever for you to heed this warning when buying goods and services. Consumers’ Checkbook regularly reports on scams and shameful selling practices that continue to become more rampant. Unfortunately, even “reputable” businesses treat consumers unfairly, often by using new technologies. In this episode, we discuss how many companies prioritize profits ahead

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43 – The CFPB: Protecting Consumers in the Financial Marketplace

The Consumer Financial Bureau (CFPB) is one of the newest federal regulatory agencies. Its prime directive is to ensure that financial products offered to you are fair, transparent, and competitive. The CFPB’s jurisdiction includes mortgages, auto loans, student loans, credit cards, credit reporting, and debt collection. In this episode, a look at the initiatives and proposed rules

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39 – Got a Gripe?

Companies always say their top priority is customer service, but all too often they fall short of that goal. What bugs you as a consumer? Is it the fine print in advertisements? Fake discounts? Maybe problems making returns or repair people who can’t make the fix? Something a little different in this episode. We’ll hear from a

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